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Report2004Open access

Utfodringsmetodik för avvanda grisar: effekter på produktion, hälsa och ätbeteende

Rantzer, Dan; Andersson, Mats; Thomsson, Annica; Svendsen, Jørgen


In summary, the results of the study indicated that a division of the feed ration to newly weaned pigs into several small portions could have a positive effect on animal health and production. Pigs fed 8 small meals per day had the fewest health problems and were faster to start eating dry feed directly after weaning. An additional division into 16 small rations per day did not have any further positive effects. As expected, the strategic feed reduction led to fewer E. coli-associated diarrhoea problems after weaning. As expected, feed consumption and growth was reduced; however, feed conversion was better, in comparison to that of the animals allowed ad lib access to the feed. The results of the studies under conventional conditions indicated that the division of the feed ration which the pig via its natural eating behaviour does when obtaining feed from an automatic dispenser with 2-3 eating places, appears to be just as positive for the animal as a controlled manual division of the ration via free feeding into a long trough. If it is necessary to use a strategic feed reduction in the herd, it can only be carried out in systems where all pigs can eat together.


avvänjning; grisar; utfodring; hälsa; beteende

Published in

Rapport / Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för jordbrukets biosystem och teknologi (JBT)
Publisher: Institutionen för jordbrukets biosystem och teknologi (JBT), Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet

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